Welcome to Lunds Aikidoklubb. We train on our own premises at Winstrupsgatan 1 (the inner yard between Juridicum and Restaurant Ihsiri), in the middle of Lund. Please come visit us if you want to learn more about Aikido. Do you practice in another dojo? You’re welcome to come practice with us as a guest!
TRY AIKIDO! If you are 15 years or older, why don’t you come to our dojo for our special try-out event? For the first half of the semester you take our beginners’ classes where you will learn a couple of basic aikido techniques, how to train safely, and how to take safe falls on our soft mats.
When? Please find our current schedule in the sidebar on the left and the start page for current information about the beginner group and the times for the semester.
Cost? We have a special course offer for you who joins the try-out beginner course. You can try out 1 class for free and then you pay 200 SEK for the rest of the month. If you want to continue the full semester you pay 1000 SEK (800 SEK if you already payed the 200 SEK), and that includes the annual membership fee (normally 200 SEK / year). For more information on how to pay see further down on this page in the section FEES.
What do I need to do now? Please register via the website before you come to the dojo for the first time, even if you just want to try.
Outfit: We recommend that you workout in full length (workout) pants and a T-shirt. Please bring your own water bottle and towel for your hands and feet. You may use our showers if needed after class. We usually train in the classic white karate/judo type of outfit but if you don’t have any we will help you obtain one later, but there is no reason to stress with that for the first couple of classes.
What do I do when I arrive? You remove your shoes in the entré hallway, then we will show you the changing area where you may change into workout clothes if you have not already, then wash your hands and feet (there is a hand-held shower head), this is for hygiene reasons as we train barefoot. We ask you to please remove any jewelry that can get caught during training, get damaged, and/or may hurt you or your training partner. Then you walk onto the mat area and wait for the class to begin. The first time we will let everyone know what to do so try not to worry. Aikido is a pretty traditional type of training but we don’t expect anyone to know or follow rules they have no idea about. One of the main qualities of aikido is that it really helps us to relax and focus on something else for a while, so we will do our best to make you feel welcome.
See you soon!
Lunds Aikidoklubb was founded in 1983 by Anders Hytter. In the same year, Jonas Palm, currently 6th dan, began the practice of Aikido. Jonas soon began instructing, and shared the responsibilty of being Head Instructor with Stina Deurell until 2001. He has since been the sole Head Instructor, and is presently aided by several sempai (senior students). For many years, the club led a ambulatory existence in many different venues. After a long search, the club moved into it’s first own dojo in 1995. The dojo in northern Lund was the club’s residence until december 2002, when we moved to our present adress at Winstrupsgatan 1.
Lunds Aikidoklubb has a board that is elected at an annual meeting, usually held in February. As a member of the club, you are welcome to participate in the annual meeting and elect a new board. The board is responsible for the administration of the club. The club is a non-profit organisation, all tasks are performed by the members themselves on a voluntary, non-paid basis. The fees paid by the members are used to pay rent for the dojo, clerical costs etc.
Lunds Aikidoklubb is a member of the Swedish Aikido Federation and the Swedish Budo Federation.
Beginners and guests are welcome to join or try out all scheduled classes relevant for your age, but we ask you to contact us via before. If you are a beginner who would like to try out aikido, we also ask you to register on our homepage. You may try 3 classes for free. After that we ask you to pay membership fee and training fee - see more here.
Adults training in Lunds Aikidoklubb pay a membership fee and a fee for participating in the training. For youths and children, the membership fee is included in the training fee.
We have a special course offer for you who joins the try-out beginner course. You can try out 1 class for free and then you pay 200 SEK for the rest of the month. If you want to continue the full semester you pay 1000 SEK (800 SEK if you already payed the 200 SEK), and that includes the annual membership fee (normally 200 SEK / year). That will give you access to the first approximately 10 weeks of beginner sessions and when that is done you will have access to all classes for the rest of the semester.
The membership fee is 200 SEK/year for adults. You pay the member fee together with the training fee for the start of the semester, or as soon as you decide to start to train in our dojo.
Training fee for working adults is 1500 SEK/semester and 500 SEK for summer practice.
Training fee for students/unemployed 18 years and above is 1100 SEK/semester and 400 SEK for summer practice.
Training fee for children and youth below 18 years is 650 SEK/semester. The membership fee is included in this amount.
Payment should be made to Lunds Aikidoklubb’s bank account BG 5861-6459. Don’t forget to mention your name and what you pay for!
It is also possible to use SWISH, use number: 1232670412. Finally, we do have the ability to accept credit and debit cards in the dojo if necessary.
The word “aikido”, roughly translated, means the Way of harmony with the force/energy. Training is centered on a number of principles or relationships that focus on accepting and harmonizing with the opponent’s force and movement without either person sustaining injury. Aikido-training is built on mutual respect between the practitioners and requires a sense of responsibility for other students and for one’s own development. An instructor can aid and inspire, but the student is solely responsible for his/her own progress through training.
Aikido was conceived as a purely defensive art, and consequently contains no attack techniques. As a result, there are no competitions in Aikido. Two individuals cannot simultaneously defend against each other.
Aikido is a relatively young Japanese martial art with ancient roots. It was developed in the early 1900’s by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) after his extensive practice of other martial arts, including daito-ryu-aikijutsu. In Aikido, Ueshiba is also called the Founder or O’Sensei. O’Sensei had several prominent students, and these later evolved their art onto divergent paths. This led to the creation of several different styles of aikido.
In Lunds Aikidoklubb we practice the Aikido taught by Morihiro Saito (1928-2002). Saito was the student that continued to teach at Ueshiba’s dojo in Iwama outside Tokyo after the Founder’s passing. Aikido was introduced to Sweden in the early 1960’s. There are currently about 5000 members training in over 100 Swedish Aikido clubs.